Monday, 31 January 2011

100. So near but so far...

I'm feeling well, other than pains in my collar bone, ribs and boob AND a slightly dodgy stomach.  Stuff that if cancer hadn't occurred wouldn't occur to me to even register as pain or illness.  Cancer, obviously, has made me a hypochondriac.

Anyway.  I chipped a tooth last week.  The dentist used to be my number one fear.  Now he doesn't even register as a worry thanks to chemo.  As I was about to go down Souf, I booked a dentists appointment for the Monday I got back.  Having read something online about chemo patients and the dentist, I phoned the chemo ward to ask if I was OK to get dental treatment; best to have a blood test apparently. 

Come Monday morning, I therefore dutifully trooped off to hell (aka the chemo day ward) to get tested.  FBC (full blood count) was fine but I was told to phone in prior to going to the dentist to check the other tests were OK. 

At 1, I rung and was put on hold for AGES.  After a bit of to-ing and fro-ing of the nurse from the phone, she returned and told me I was neutropenic.  Neutro what?  She explained this meant that my neutrophils (a type of white blood cell) were dangerously low leaving me open to infection.  I said I was fine.  She said it could be a dodgy test but not to go to the dentist. 

I posted on the Breast Cancer Care site to ask what this meant.  SCARY reply.  Any temperature over 37.5 meant INSTANT trip to the hospital.  Better avoid any infection then.


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