Friday, 11 March 2011

117. A little bit of sunshine

I’ve been feeling a bit tired, don’t know if it’s radio therapy or just because I’m not sleeping. Don’t know if I’m not sleeping because it’s my usual insomnia or because of the radio therapy. Uhhh. So I’m at work. It’s Friday and despite not working anything even resembling a normal timetable, I’m tired. I’m a bit down, not sure why. My Head of Department had asked me previously if I could cover her year 12 literature lesson. A teacher training student was teaching and I just needed to be there with her. I was fine with it. It didn’t sound like a lot of work and I planned to sit and mark in the back of the classroom while the student taught.

So I turned up at the beginning of the lesson. Much to my delight, my previous year’s year 11 students started walking in. It got better. The student wasn’t teaching; a cover supervisor was. It was a minute’s work to persuade him that I’d been asked to do the lesson. He handed over the plan and was gone.

The plan was a sentence. Annotate 2 poems of their choice. We agreed they’d do the same 2 poems, copied them and started. I scanned the poems. Fabulous! The kids had picked 2 poems covering a favourite theme of mine; exposing and undermining capitalism. Oh the bliss! Standing at the front of the classroom, analysing poems with clever, lively, interested pupils. Fab, fab, fab.

I floated through the rest of the day. Things like that make life worth living!

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