Tuesday, 15 February 2011

103. Déjà vu

Back to the hospital this morning for the CT scan to be redone. There was a male nurse there this time. Amazing how that changed the tone, although he was very nice. I was more nervous this time. Daft really. Had just done it once and there really was nothing to worry about. The scan was quicker this time, probably because they didn’t have to redo the tattoos.

Upstairs for a blood test next. Same nurse as last time. Same digging around with the needle. This time a sharp pain though, that made me exclaim. Same failure to get blood so another nurse was called. I was a little worried when she wanted to go in the same place the other nurse had just dug around. I was also a little concerned when she wanted to use the vein I had phlebitis in although fortunately she demurred when I showed her how far up the vein the plebitis went. Finally, she got blood out of the same place as Monday. The results were back very quickly. Platelets fine. Neurophils fine too. Green light for the dentist. More importantly, green light for swimming and shopping!


S, a colleague and friend called later. Nice chat catching up on school gossip. It feels as if I’m never going to get back to work properly though. I AM going to have to go in for the periods in between treatment though, because I won’t be able to afford to be off continuously until all the surgery (that I may or may not need) to do with the BRCA1 gene is done. School won’t like this. It is much more convenient for them if I’m off for a whole block. It’s getting silly though. I’m well enough to be at work now. Going to see the GP Monday to see if she wants to sign me back on. School won’t be happy!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure whether it is PC to say I'm enjoying reading your blog but your comments are so honest, sometimes brutally so, but poignant too! It was great to see you when you came in to school in Suffolk, and although shocked (N had not prepared me in advance with your condition)I was glad to be able to chat with you. I can't begin to imagine how you are feeling but be assured I'm thinking of you and you are in my prayers. Keep up the good work with the blog...if you ever want a chat, get N to pass on my number? S x
