Wednesday, 23 February 2011

114. Off and out

Rads 4 today.  And appointment with the geneticist. 

She's a nice woman; I really like her.  Last time, I was so over emotional that it was pretty much all I could do not to cry.  This time, I was better, mostly.  I felt a bit moist at one point but overcame it.  The manic talking (mine) wasn't totally appropriate but, overall, an improvement I think.

So.  The nitty gritty.

She can't definitively state that I have the BRCA1 gene.  There WERE changes in it which are an indication that I could have it but no definite answer. 

The changes in the gene are enough, however, to lead her to support preventative surgery for me if I want it.  Which I do.  She's done a referral to a surgeon for an oophrectomy or a hysterectomy.  She did say that the chances of cervical cancer are no greater than that of the general population and of a specific type of cancer of the uterus are, given her own work so far, only 1%.  While I was in with her, that led me to think, oophrectomy, but now I'm home, I've reverted to thinking hysterectomy.  Give me the MAXIMUM chance of life possible.

She confirmed that I need to wait a reasonable amount of time (I've read a year) after radiotherapy for mastectomy and reconstruction.  So that isn't going to happen for a while. 

Lets get that uterus out then. 

We also talked about I.  She'd already registered that I was really worried about her, but given that she didn't have a clear answer about the gene, stated that my daughter and my neices weren't qualified for genetic testing.  We talked about what checks my daughter should have and she recommended an MRI and even told me the approximate cost (£500 - £600).  This is because while NHS scans will commence after she's 30, until that point any checks she has will need to be done privately.  I'm going to arrange one for her and go with her at some point after we've talked about the possibility that we MAY have the BRCA1 gene.  The doc also advised that while MRI scans would be offered here, that the area she lives in may not offer them.  As I live here, however, it will be possible for the doc to get them provided through her.  Such relief. 

She also gave me some information about a long term study of this type of change to the BRCA1 gene which she'd like me to take part in.  Other than a blood test, it really just involves them monitoring my medical history through my records, and doesn't much involve me.  Fine by me.

On the personal front, R didn't come with me today.  I half wanted him to and half didn't.  I may have got to the point where I decided not to have him come on my own but it was clear that he didn't really want to so I went alone.  When I got home, he actually brought the topic up despite his extreme aversion to confrontation (due to the snotty text message I'd sent him) and said I should just have told him if I wanted him to go with me.  I told him that he should want to like I'd want to if it was him.  In his opinion, that was me unfairly guilt tripping him.  Uh.  Hello.  MOST partners go with their WAGs.  Guess I'll be doing it pretty much on my own from now on.  I don't want him with me if he doesn't want to be there.

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