Sunday, 6 November 2011

185. 1 day post op.

Woke up at 6ish feeling much better.  Following the debacles of the night before I was determined to go to the loo on my own.  I shuffled around my curtained cubicle trying to be discreet.  Not as discreet as I’d hoped.  One of the health care assistants came over to see what I was up to.  I felt like a naughty kid.  Once I’d had a wee and was back in bed they started coming round to do morning checks. 

Breakfast was a choice of untoasted bread; soggy white or dry brown rolls or cereal.  I ate a roll just to prove I’d finished puking.  After breakfast I had a shower, moisturised and did my nails to prove I was doing well and could go home.  Then I got a stomach ache from doing too much so had to lie down. 

Discharged at 11.  R collected me at 1.

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