Sunday, 6 November 2011

189. Day 5. Overdoing it. Surprise, surprise

Foolishly, I decided that I was feeling really well, so when R suggested going to the movies, I agreed.  Getting there was OK, although I felt like an old woman I was walking so slowly!  I was fine during the film, the seats were inclined and I laid back and was really comfy.  The film was lovely too; Midnight in Paris.  A writer goes to Paris with his fiancee and her family.  One night he goes for a walk and at midnight, magic!  A car comes and collects him and takes him to a party with dead literary heroes Hemmingway and Fitzgerald.  It was a sweet escape from reality for a couple of hours.

Getting home was a little harder than getting there.  R had met a friend and we walked to the metro together.  I was having problems walking and wasn’t feeling very chatty.  By the time we got to the metro, my griping pains had started up.  They were so bad they made me sweat.  When we got off the train, I had trouble walking home.  It wasn’t far but I had to keep stopping and holding my stomach. 

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