Sunday, 6 November 2011

196. Utterly unfair.

NEBB.  My girls.  Friends.  Supporters.  Sufferers.  Brave.

There are the original group.  There's 'my' era.  And there are 'new' members.

The original group is falling by the wayside.  They're moving on and just check in occasionally.

'My' era are mostly back at work but are still active members. 

The 'new' members are mostly in current treatment. 

K is a 'new' member.  She was scheduled for surgery about a month ago.  None of us had heard from her until she handgrenaded a FB update.  No surgery.  Her cancer is too far advanced and has spread.  She's hoping to make it to Christmas.  Currently in a hospice but hoping to go home to spend time with her husband, toddler and baby.  Yes, baby. 

NEBB were in shock.  No one knew what to say.  What utter, utter, shit.  How can this happen? 

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