Thursday, 21 October 2010

61. House hunting

Hairs still dropping out. I’m half way there to being bald on top now. Fortunately, I’m getting better at tying scarves over the jersey cap so I’m OK with going out like it. I practised tonight, at wearing the cap and scarf and have discovered that they’re quite warm, more so than hair would be. Learning curve maybe? Lighter silk scarves needed, rather than pashminas.

Went to view my first house today. I wanted R to go with me but he’s working his way down to a bad patch so went on my own. My instinct was right. GORGEOUS house. It looked good online and much better in reality. 3 bedrooms. Dining room. Small but very modern kitchen. 3 bedrooms. Big landing (enough room for a desk and PC). Small bathroom but nice, no work needed. Big enough attic for a loft conversion. The décor was all nice, with only the lounge and dining room needing painting to fit my colour scheme. Of course, it’s too expensive. If I knew I had 20 years of work ahead of me, I’d buy it. Strictly speaking I can afford it, but in the back of my mind the whole time, I’ve got the thought that the cancer may come back and I don’t want to default on mortgage repayments. Cancer strikes again.

Oncologist appointment tomorrow and then chemo Thursday. I MUST ask the nurse to examine me, to feel what I think is a lump AND ask if it’s being recorded in my notes. I’m worried it will be a tumour and that they’ll dismiss it and that then, later, finally, it will be ‘discovered’ and there won’t be a record of it. Already, it is being called a haematoma, which it can’t be. It’s been there since the week after my surgery and has got bigger, not smaller.

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