Thursday, 21 October 2010

64. Sista

So I'm walking around in scarves that I find binding and annoying.  I'm paranoid about looking like a victim, which I probably did on Monday when I ventured out for the first time after the chemo from hell.  I was exhausted and ready to vomit at any given point.  Which considering I went to the supermarket and the bank, wasn't a good thing.

I've been experimenting with how to tie the scarves.  I don't like the long bit flapping at the back so am ending up with a head wrap a lot of the time. 

When I was in the supermarket, I noticed a woman giving me REALLY filthy looks.  I'm a particularly unobservent person, so it was definitely NOT a figment of my imagination.  They were real evils.  I thought about it but... whatever.

Then when I was in town,  a Muslim woman made a real point of smiling at me.  LIGHTBULB!  I look like a convert.  Fabulous!  I love it.  Except I hope they don't think I'm a terrorist. 

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