Thursday, 9 September 2010

37. Whinging again

Oh god, another sleepless night.  I keep waking up because I try to roll over and it hurts on my left side.  Then I had a nightmare about my daughter calling for my help.  I couldn't get to her in the dream and I woke up feeling awful.  I cried for a bit and then tried to work out why I was so upset but couldn't.  Not the cancer, not I, not R, not my Mum.  I finally came to the conclusion it was just my hormones.  No idea what time of the month it is but when in doubt. 

Breast nurse clinic later.  Don't know what I want.  If they drain the seroma it will be more comfortable for a bit, but then will probably fill up again.  But if they don't at times it is really uncomfortable.  Ironically, it looks better at the moment than it does after its been drained.  Fuller and the scar is smoother.  I really must get some Bio Oil to start putting on the scar where the lymph node biopsy was done.  I'll use it on the cancer scar too when the scab has gone.  Part of that area won't heal.  It's had steri strips put on three times now.

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