Thursday, 23 September 2010

48. Later...

Had dinner, nice curry.  Felt queasy before I ate it and queasy after.  Didn't stop me actually eating though.  Maybe the anti sickness tablets are too effective?  Maybe it's too soon to tell?  Maybe I won't lose weight if I eat when I feel sick! The headache's back and I'm tired now.  Feeling fine when I'm laying down though.

Have been feeling my boob again.  The 2nd lump is still there.  I don't know if I'm being hysterical, if it's scar tissue or just normal.  I can't really remember enough about the other lump to tell if it feels the same.  So what do I do?  Do I phone the breast care nurse AGAIN?  Email her?  Go to the GP?  They said it was fluid, but the fluid has gone and the lumps still there.  I REALLY don't want to be one of those me, me, me patients, but I don't want to let a cancer grow because I'm scared to ask for help either.

Totally aside from other things, I have; started talking to two very dear friends again, which is brightening up things immeasurably AND have started obsessively checking who is reading my blog.  People in the USA, Canada, France, Germany and Japan, as well as the UK of course.  Do I really have nothing better to do?  No, of course I don't. 

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