Saturday, 6 August 2011

120. Rads

So.  15 ordinary radiotherapy appointments.  By rads 8 or 9 I’d started to notice some irritation in the fold underneath my boob, where my bra sits.  I’d given up the underwired bras after the first 3 rads sessions because I didn’t think it would be sensible to have any extras pressure on the treated area.  In Asda, I’d found post surgery bras that were mostly cotton jersey.  Huge.  Ugly.  Thick.  Very soft though.  I bought one, wore it, found it comfy so got 2 more. 

The upside of the Asda cotton bras was that they weren’t too tight around my body, so when the irritation under my boob nagged, I could just move the bottom bra band down.  The downside of them was that instead of two boobs I had one shelf boob across the middle of my chest.  I did keep reminding myself that it was no real price to pay.

Radio therapy was surprisingly easy, other than the daily irritating journey and parking struggle.  Lying on the bed while the staff shifted my body around in minute degrees; waiting while the radio waves (or whatever they are) were fired and then reversing the journey home again. 

The advice I would give to anyone having rads is that it is the ideal treatment.  It doesn’t hurt, nothing touches you, it doesn’t make you ill and the staff are lovely.  I’d have it daily, permanently, if it was safe and guaranteed to keep the cancer away. 

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