Saturday, 6 August 2011

142. Pre Op Assessment

AKA a lot of sitting around.  Bloods are hard to get; veins are fucked.  I’ve lost weight since last time I went, which cheers me up.  It all takes about 4 hours, which is even longer than I’d been told to expect.  I emphasize to the nurse about how sick the anaesthetic made me.  Hopefully this will prevent the sickness following the operation this time.  An x-ray of my chest is considered but the doc decides it’s unnecessary.  

Since I’m at the hospital, I try to change my appointment dates.  Currently, my consultation with the plastics consultant is before my mammogram and ultrasound.  If the scans show anything dangerous, it will alter what the plastic surgeon is going to do, if indeed I then have ANY plastic surgery.  First I try the plastics clinic.  My appointment can be shifted by about 2 hours.  So I go to the breast assessment clinic next.  I explain the problem to the receptionist.  She discusses this with the booking clerk who explains the problem to me.  I’ve been fitted in to the first available clinic where there is a dual mammogram and ultrasound appointment available due to the areas of concern in my boob. 

Areas of concern?  Heart sink time.  Not again. 

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