Saturday, 6 August 2011

123. Shrink Me

I’ve gone on the sick.  I tried to work all the way through rads but the tiredness was a bit too much to handle while at work.  Also, my boob was chafing and it was awkward.

The weather is nice though, so it isn’t a hardship, being at home.  I loaf around, sit outside in the nice weather.  My mum comes to stay, so I’ve got company.  We don’t bicker as much as we used to so it is quite nice.  She massages my shoulder and my cancer side arm, because it aches sometimes. 

I’ve started attending Slimming World because of the huge weight gain from chemo and the steroids so I’m cooking low cal meals for me and mum.  Which is a bit of a reverse really, because since I left home, when I've seen her, it has pretty much been her doing it for me.  Since I’m not at work though, it’s nice. 

Over the weekend, R and I take mum for a couple of meals at the restaurant she’s decided she likes here.  The first time I have swordfish and salad and the second a steak.  I’ve tried dieting since finishing chemo and have lost NO weight, so I’m determined to give this diet a really good go. 

Just as well I did.  When I go to get weighted, I’ve lost 6 ½ lbs!  Woo hoo!!!!

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