Saturday, 6 August 2011

146. No. Not my girl

Weekend with the family.  Uh oh.  The usual drama, aggro, bickering and stress.  I love ‘em, really I do, but…  they really are nuts.  I’m visiting for a weekend mid term because my first operation is due at the very beginning of the holidays and although I’m hoping I’ll be OK, there’s no guarantee.   

I and I go out shopping on Saturday, because I want some time alone with her.  A couple of weeks previously she’d been away on holiday with her housemates and another couple.  While she was away I’d had messages from her saying how offensively right wing she found them and that she didn’t want to live with them any more.  She’s very like me and also has depressive tendencies and this, combined with the xenophobic, racist, right wing crap that she hated, had really got her down to the point where she’d decided she wanted to move up north to live with me.  I knew she had to be feeling pretty low to even consider that.  So.  Mum and daughter time.  Fortunately, she seemed a lot better and things in ‘the house’ had calmed down.  Obviously, I was very relieved. 

Then she landed the bombshell.  She’s had an abnormal smear and also has a white mark on her cervix.  I try not to overreact.  We’re having lunch when she tells me and she wouldn’t tell me if she didn’t want to be nagged about it.  I try to be calm, discuss it sensibly, but she (true to form, she’s a unique one, my daughter) has chosen to merely take offense at the doctor and disbelieve her rather than deal with it.  We talk a bit, I tell her to make an appointment at the doctors and then amend it to MY making her an appointment at the doctors.  I make her one for  Tuesday morning.   

(Post script.  GP can’t help.  She has to go to the GUM clinic at the hospital)

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