Saturday, 6 August 2011

130. Me and my girl

My gorgeous lovely girly and her mate gay C come to stay.  I’ve known C since they were 16.  She was with him when he had an almost fatal car accident almost 8 years ago and visited him everyday he was in hospital, despite being terrified of going there and having nightmares about it. 

She is a bit strange while she’s here.  Distant, on edge.  We’re OK though, I think.  A Mexican lunch is lovely and my friend S meets us there.  It’s strange, living so far from home.  My friends hear all about my family and my family hear all about my friends but so far, never the twain have met.  I’m not sure I and S will get on.  They’re both, shall we say, assertive ladies.  Strangely enough though, they do.  C doesn’t get a word in edgeways poor bloke.  Ce la vie.

Later, I, C and I go gay clubbing.  I’m too old for this!  I’m delighted to be able to wear my new, post cancer reward thigh high boots though and feel shit hot.  Later on in the evening, I’m just hot. The flushes have reared their ugly head.  I manage to hang with them all night, first in the pub then in a club. It’s OK but my heart isn’t in it. I can’t decide if it’s because it’s not a great club, because I’m too old or because I’m not drinking.  Could just be a combination of the 3 of course.   

C goes home Sunday, while my girly is staying an extra night.  For some bizarre reason, I is much more relaxed once he’s left.  We have a really nice evening in on our own.  I cooked dinner and we just sat and chilled out in front of the TV.  It was lovely.  Wish we could do it more.

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