Since Tuesday and finding the lump, I’ve continually tried to reassure myself. My boob was making a weird watery noise that R described as a hot water bottle noise. The practise nurse agreed with the breast care nurse that it could be fluid. She also thought it might be milk ducts. Certainly, the lump is a different shape to the other one. Elongated. AND the area to the right of the lump is enlarged and lumpy too. But for goodness sake. I had surgery to remove the lump (or lumps if there was more than one).
S said that it could be a thing called a seroma. I read up on it online and a seroma is an accumulation of fluid that isn’t an infection and isn’t a haematoma. It SHOULD reabsorb on its own but sometimes they don’t and then they have to be drained. S had to have his seroma drained when he had his ops. I also looked on the RVI website and 1 in 3 patients having breast surgery develops a seroma. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, let this be all that is wrong. One thing that did occur to me, is that NO ONE at any point has warned me about this.
I know a lot of the news so far has been good, but honestly, at the moment I really feel like I could end it all myself. It just seems to be shock and stress, after shock and stress. If this is what life is going to be like now, I really don’t want much more of it.
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